Agritourism Policy

Participating in activities on working farms is inherently risky.

Pursuant to NY GOL, Section 18-303

Visitors have the responsibility to:

Exercise reasonable care regarding the disclosed risks of the agricultural activity

Reasonably comply with posted directional signs

Reasonably remain in areas designated for agricultural tourism activity

Reasonably follow all conspicuously posted rules of conduct or verbal communication

Not to willfully remove, deface, alter or otherwise damage signage, warning devices or implements or other safety devices

Right to Refund: Visitors have the right to a refund of the amount paid in the initial sale of the tickets. The right to a refund is conditioned on the purchaser’s “declaration” to the operator that he or she is unprepared or unwilling to accept the inherent risks of the on-farm activity or assume the duty of reasonable care imposed on the visitor upon the return of the tickets unused and intact.

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